10 of the best restaurants in rural Spain: readers’ travel tips

Winning tip: El Yantar, Pedraza, Segovia

The pleasant medieval town of Pedraza, in Segovia, is 75 miles north of Madrid and mainstream at ends of the week with Madrileños who pack the various asados (eateries having some expertise in cooks). My most loved is El Yantar on Plaza Major, serving conventional Castilian dishes however work in cordero lechal (drain nourished leg of sheep for at least two individuals) and cochinillo (suckling pig), both of which are cooked gradually in a wood-consuming stove for three hours. Wash it down with Ribero Del Duero, a fair red, and watch out into the square – the Four Musketeers was recorded in the 1970s.

• It is basic to book a table and decision of meal ahead of time, elyantardepedraza.com

Kevin Rusby

Andalucía has astounding tabernas and tapas puts all through however I'll go for Arxiduna, in a lovely patio at the foot of the generally rustic Sierra de Gracia. The sustenance mirrors its environment; run of the mill to the district with enlivened twists – deer loin with chocolate beans, southern style aubergine with treacle. You can sit in the court, the garden patio or in the profound stone basement.

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Dolly Sully

El Monestir de Sant Pere de Casseres, Catalonia

For me, the setting is unique: the religious community sits on a projection with water on three sides, the eminent repository of Sau toward the east and toward the north and west the Ter stream. Uninhabited for quite a long time, get to is by means of a cutting edge, practical (appalling) gathering building that houses an austere eatery. From a wide decision, we ate a half meal chicken, gradually cooked and wet with asparagus and romesco nut and red pepper sauce. There is likewise an assortment of griddled vegetables with aioli and nearby bread.

• Closes at 7pm in summer and 5.30pm in winter, santperedecasserres.cat


Tetería Baraka, La Alpujarra, Andalucía

Tetería Baraka is a culinary resound of the Moorish past in the wonderful La Alpujarra (the lower inclines of the Sierra Nevada). Keep running by Muslim sufis, this chilled put offers tagines, ajoblanco (chilled garlic and almond soup), stunning plates of mixed greens, shawarma and falafel, in addition to natively constructed lemonade and frozen yogurt. Drench up the vibe at a mosaic table and watch the world pass by at the week by week nearby market. Settled in the provincial town of Órgiva, it has a steadfast after – and which is all well and good.

• Three courses around €13, teteria-baraka.com


Domus Real Fuerte de la Concepción, Aldea del Obispo, Salamanca

Seconds in the wake of intersection the outskirt from Portugal, we ran over this destroyed fortification cum-inn/eatery. Guests stroll in by means of the old scaffold and passage beyond all detectable inhibitions patio, which frames the focal point of the fringe richly outfitted rooms and the inn's eatery. We ate inside the brilliant huge eatery yet had we eaten here at night also, we would have exploited the starry night sky and the seating outside.

• hoteldomusrealfuerte.com


Casa Juanín, Pendones, Asturias

Casa Juanín is a straightforward stone cabin in the town of Pendones, with smoke ascending from a log fire inside its eatery. It invites walkers who climb up here to see the radiant perspectives of the Picos de Europa. The nourishment is generous and natively constructed, once providing food for hungry Asturian timberland specialists; €15 will get you (nearly) endless dishes of wild pig stew with beans or braised goat or venison, cooked by Juanín and served by his little girl. Top off then head down the slopes.

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Montimar, Estellencs, Mallorca

From Palma, take the waterfront street along the west of the island, through the beautiful towns of Valldemossa, Deia, the lovely town of Soller and on to the religious community at Lluc, halting at the miradors to respect the ocean and precipices. In transit stop for lunch at Montimar. Sit outside on the patio and eat bread shrouded in olive oil and tomato, strong soup with cabbage, bread and garlic, frito (diced sheep liver with potatoes, onions, peppers and garlic) or the tumbet (layers of potatoes, aubergines, peppers and garlic). Have an additional glass of the Binissalem wine and remain at the Hotel Rural Nord (duplicates from €88) in the town or bring a stroll down the slope to the little shingle shoreline for a swim.

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John Redston

El Rinconcito de Hilario, Las Zocas, Tenerife

Envision a little fish eatery settling in a little inconspicuous town straddling a mountainside in Tenerife. Presently envision that same eatery is stuffed with nearby families all tucking into newly got, just cooked neighborhood fish. You have quite recently envisioned El Rinconcito de Hilario, a place where you are appeared to your table and minutes after the fact the server appears with an extensive crate of the present catch and you are asked which one you'd like and how you'd like it cooked – seared with garlic, barbecued with herbs, salt-heated … it's dependent upon you.

• elrinconcitodehilario.com


Algo Así, Cañamero, Extremadura

Algo así signifies "something to that effect" however the spur of the moment name gives a false representation of the meticulousness that portrays this eatery. The Swiss proprietors become a number of the fixings in their own particular greenery enclosures, and everything else originates from the nearby markets. There is no menu – rather the dishes are arranged once the business sectors have been assessed and on entry the holding up staff clarify what has been set up for each of the five courses that day. The servers are altogether neighborhood, similar to the craftsman who makes the earthenware glasses, plates and the workmanship showed on the dividers. The setting is delightful, and as country as it is conceivable to get.

• Reservations basic, on Facebook

Jessica K

Toc Al Mar, Begur, Catalonia

On the off chance that you adore delicate octopus cooked on a wood fire, innovative plates of mixed greens utilizing nearby foods grown from the ground, chilled rosé and the Mediterranean lapping at your toes at that point go here. We turned up at early afternoon toward the beginning of October and it was void. After thirty minutes it was pressed with local people and voyaging Barcelonistas.

• tocalmar.cat

David Pullan
